Here are some resources that some of our members are using to better understand how we as a chapter can begin to discuss race and privilege within our campus and communities. We're uploading these graphics so that you might learn some new resources and further your own education alongside us, as well as share them to your social media if you want to! Obviously this is only the beginning of our education and research and we will continue to use every resource available to put in place systems and workshops within our own chapter that promotes a healthy discussion about how we can better serve our own communities and cities.
In addition to this, we are seeking out various ways to support and instill confidence in the women of color in our own community. We acknowledge that as a historically and predominately white organization we have not always gone the extra step to be actively anti-racist both publically and privately. In our creed which we speak at every chapter meeting, we say "May We each day through love of those within our circle, Learn to know and understand better those without our circle." Moving forward we hope to be vigilant in supporting and uplifting the women of color within Kappa Delta and outside of our organization and hope to use our privilege to amplify those voices that are too often stifled by the failures of our democracy.
Alpha Upsilon